http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthre ... adid=23328
看了一下,在聲音描述上實無可觀之處,summary就好:在 the gilmore換上DACT-T2後,聲音表現遠在 Grace 901之上。
http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthre ... adid=20589
I've always been shy of using words like "analytical" and "musical" but I know that's what a lot of you guys are looking for. I'll put it this way, if analytical means having the smallest iota of detail separated and every instrument given a tight sharp focus, then this is a very analytical amp, one of the most analytical amps of any headphone amp I've heard. Now, on the other hand, if we were define musical as being the ability to make me tap my foot and make me feel like part of the music instead of just sitting back and dissecting every note, then Gilmore can only be described as musical. So you tell me, which one do you think it is? Maybe the terms aren't so mutually exclusive after all.
個人一向不願意使用諸如「解析力」、「音樂性」等形容詞(來描述器材),但是我知道你們正期待這樣的答案。讓我試著如此解釋吧:如果「解析力」意味著器材能夠分辨出聲音細節的最小差異,並賦與每一件樂器鮮明的實體感,那麼the Gilomre正是一件具有「高解析力」的器材--我所聽過耳擴中最具解析力者之一。從另一方面看,如果所謂的「音樂性」指的是能夠讓你完全地溶入音樂中,同時不自覺地用腳踩著拍子,而不必正襟危坐地拆解每個音符---那麼 the gilmore 就是這麼的具有音樂性。
I can't tell you how hard it is to find an amp that can get the drums, cymbals AND the piano right. The lower registers of a piano simply sound "wrong" to me on most equipment. I guess it's a matter of not having the bass extension needed to believably pull off the secondary harmonics or some other gibberish I wouldn't understand, but the fact remains that a piano is simply very hard to be convincing. And then you have cymbals -- they have to be sharp and sweet at the same time, fast on the attack but smooth on the decay. Drums you want to be tight with a hard bottom, enough impact and raw bass strength but with a real fleshy sounding skin. The Gilmore pulls it all off... provided you have a good source and a headphone you like, of course.
無法描述要讓鼓、鐃鈸和鋼琴發出正確的聲音是一件多麼困難的事。在大部分器材所發出的鋼琴低音部的聲音,不管怎麼聽就是不對勁。我猜這是因為在低頻延伸上無法完全擺脫二次諧波失真的困擾或者是其他我所不了解的因素所致。事實就是這樣---器材發出的鋼琴聲總無法令人信服。再來說鐃鈸吧,這個樂器同時具有尖刺與甜美的特質,敲擊一瞬間速度飛快(尖刺),殘響卻是餘音繞樑(甜美)。而你希望聽到什麼樣的鼓聲呢?具備緊密堅實的基礎、足夠強的衝擊力與拳拳到肉的活生感。the gilmore 對這些考驗通通勝任愉快---只要你有夠好的訊源(當然囉,還有耳機)
小弟對鼓、鐃鈸沒有研究,但家裡總算有一台直立式的破琴就是。the gilmore 所發出的鋼琴聲確實是可以用「不同凡響」這四這個字,而且你並不需要有一付金耳朵才聽得出其中差異。小弟在還沒看到此文之前便知鋼琴很難搞定,這就是為什一直纏著阿毛要去幫我找grand這個「賭具」的原因。這下可好了,阿毛,咱們只要把「賭具」換成鼓或鐃鈸,場子就開得起來,你說呢?
在我還未製作the gilmore之前,對這些諸多評論總是匆匆看過,腦裡有個不錯的印象,對那些聲音描述其實不會,也不可能有感覺的。開始備料製作時則專注在電路技術問題,求的當然是正確的電路運作。等到真正開始耹聽後(其聲音表現遠超乎我原先預期),再回頭看這些評論(尤其是決定翻譯後),才驚覺這些評論相當中肯,內容也毫不空泛,更絕無廣告之嫌(這是我不翻譯設計者對聲音的描述之原因,其實他說的也是對的!)。
接下來呢?再加兩聲道成全平衡,改耳機成全平衡,皆非難事。聲音據說可以更好,好多少我也不知道。不過我想我的很大挑戰是 T2-like Project,不知何日能成?屆時還得麻煩3lping兄的007與4070,真的很感謝諸多網友的協助幫忙。