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文章發表於 : 週一 5月 06, 2002 3:28 pm
有沒有人知道 Sousa 的進行曲 The U.S. Field Artillery 裡面, 後半段的歌詞?

高中學弟的進行曲譜中有, 但是多次影印下來已經爛得不能看了. 如果有人知道的話就拜託幫幫忙囉 :aiya:

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 10, 2002 4:30 pm
Verse 1: Over hill, over dale, As we hit the dusty trail
And those Caissons go rolling along!
In and out, hear them shout, Counter march and right about
And those Caissons go rolling along!
Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery
Shout out your numbers loud and strong,
Where'er you go, You will always know
That those Caissons go rolling along!

Verse 2: In the storm, in the night, Action left or action right
See those Caissons go rolling along!
Limber front, limber rear, Prepare to mount your cannoneer
And those Caissons go rolling along!
Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery
Shout out your numbers loud and strong,
Where'er you go, You will always know
That those Caissons go rolling along!

Verse 3: Was it high, was it low, Where the hell did that one go?
As those Caissons go rolling along!
Was it left, was it right, Now we won't get home tonight
And those Caissons go rolling along!
Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery
Shout out your numbers loud and strong,
Where'er you go, You will always know
That those Caissons go rolling along!

文章發表於 : 週六 5月 11, 2002 12:48 am
救命啊~~~ 這歌詞有三段這麼多喔 :aa:

還是感謝囉~~~ 以後聽一聽興奮的時候還可以跟著唱 :hand: