版主: aeolusyung, zhang230631, suzumiyaminami
RLN 寫:不曉得會不會勝過wa6(恕刪)
As two distinct kinds of cups exist. This is also in some way connected to the complaints about RS1 craftsmanship, as the second kind of cup (which is very similar to Vintage Grados in its 180 degree text) is generally not finished as well. These are known by some as the "Late Friday RS1."
喜羊羊 寫:大家好!
mingta1982 寫:
很輕~~ 皮革摸起來很舒服~~ 帶起來夾頭感輕微
RLN 寫:對岸某打架論壇看到了grado signature cable...有人聽過嗎XD
Hi All,
It appears an error has occurred on the HF-2. The engraving does indeed have Grado Head-F1 Headphone HF2 on the aluminum enclosure.
First I would like to make it completely clear that the error was not spotted before the headphones were shipped by either Grado Labs or by TTVJ. Had either of us noticed the error we would have announced it and given you the option to buy it or not.
So here is the deal… there are enough enclosures done this way to produce 500 HF-2 headphones. There is no way to correct the F1 engraving error and the remaining HF-2 headphones will be built and sold with the current engraving. As it stands now, we are going to make the cutoff for the HF-2 at 500 headphones or July 31st. – whichever comes first. There are currently about 400 orders placed.
I currently have more of the HF2 headphones in stock and ready to ship. To ship your orders on hand I would like your confirmation that you still want the HF-2 (please e-mail us at todd@ttvj.com). On Friday shipments will resume to confirmed orders. Grado Labs is still building and shipping 50 a week to me until 500 are sold or whatever the number is on July 31st.
Both John and I apologize for this but we both feel strongly that this is a great headphone at a great price. We will leave it up to you as to whether or not you can live with the cosmetic error.
John has graciously volunteered to send an additional $10 to Head-Fi for each HF-2 sold which could mean up to as much as $5000 additional funds for Head-Fi!
northamericahornet 寫:各位好
覺得除了高頻有點衝之外 其他都很好
zhang230631 寫:4/2 日星期三這天,在台中源音聽到老闆收藏的老神器 GRADO FG1、HP1(換上 GS1000i 耳墊),搭配前端是 North Star Design DAC32 + AT-HA22Tube / Bobby(平衡輸出),對比耳機是 PS1000 Balanced、GS1000i、SRH1840、SRH1540。
個人初聽 Shure 兩款耳機,線條感沒有如 GRADO 那般分明,頻段間的過度不夠流暢,高頻部分有微微化開之感,當下聆聽小提琴演奏,FG1、HP1 詮釋得較為自然、生動,無論歌曲節奏抑或是情感起伏都詮釋得恰如其分,可惜前端尚有提升空間,又不是最佳搭配,唯獨驅動 PS1000 Balanced、GS1000i 仍力有未逮,低頻氾濫不受控制,些許壓抑了中高頻的表現。
老神器 FG1、HP1 或許是背景年代的緣故,低頻段的延伸遜於 PS1000 Balanced、GS1000i,下潛點到即止,可是中頻濃厚綿密,寬鬆有韻味,反而符合我舒服、耐聽的要求,而且驅動性良好,不容易出惡聲。
另一方面,僅以日、韓、美系流行樂的詮釋而言,SRH1840、SRH1540 有著現代調音的優勢,尤其是中頻段的人聲,特別貼近聽者,雖然有著些微的顆粒感,密度不若 GRADO 飽滿、實在,但依然顧及背景樂器的還原,這才是高階耳機應該擁有的質素。
RLN 寫:感謝版主分享心得,上一次的HP1聆聽經驗也有相同的感受,不過換上GS大耳罩可能會讓聽感有些誤差。
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