如果真的一定要電池供電, 可以考慮這個.
Class D 才夠有效率, 夠省電來使用電池.
這玩意是class T, based on Tripath chip.
class T 我想是 Tripath 的 marketing 名詞.
雖然文宣很普通, 但是聲音不錯, 有 SET 管機的味道.
Class T amp
Sonic Impact introduces the first totally portable amp capable of generating 15W per channel output from a fully battery operated source that fits in the palm of your hand and weighs less than one and a half pounds. Ideally suited for powering the SoundpaX speaker line by Sonic Impact.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TA2024 is a 15 W /ch continuous average two - channel Class - T Digital Audio Power Amplifier IC using proprietary Digital Power Processing ?technology. Class - T amplifiers offer both the audio fidelity of Class - A B and the power efficiency of Class ?D amplifiers.
APPLICATIONS ?Battery Powered System ? Input for optional AC Adapter 12 Volt/ 2 amp power supply ?No heat sink required up to 15W per channel ?Intelligent short circuit protection ?Connects to any passive 4/8 Ohm speakers ?Takes standard audio line input from any sound system
B E N E F I T S ?Fully integrated solution ?Reduced system cost with no heat sink ?Dramatically improves efficiency versus Class-AB ?Signal fidelity equal to high quality linear amplifiers
FEATURES ?Class-T architecture ?Single Supply Operation ?